Oldies but Goodies
These are paint jobs I have done a while back.

View new additions to the model horse gallery!

Breyer CM Big Ben

Breyer CM Big Ben

NL Friesian

Williams Okie Rio

NL Irish Draught

Rose Ahab

NL Friesian II

Williams Okie Rio

Unknown Arab resin

Williams Parra Dream Doll

Stone Performance Horse

Breyer CM SM Clyde

Stone Performance Horse

Breyer CM SM Pony

Stone CM ISH

Stone CM ISH

Breyer CM ASB SM

Breyer CM Andal SM

Breyer CM Andal SM

Breyer CM FAM

Breyer CM TWH

Breyer CM TWH

Breyer CM Clydesdale foal

Stone ISH

Stone ISH

Stone ISH

Stone ISH

Stone Drafter

Breyer Marabella

Breyer CM Walking QH

Breyer CM Merryleggs

Breyer CM Shire Mare

Breyer CM HUCK

Breyer CM Rejoice

Breyer CM Justin Morgan

NL CM Pony

Breyer CM QH Yearling

Stone Drafter CM

Stone Drafter CM

Breyer CM Llnarth

Breyer CM Rearing Stallion

Breyer CM rearing Arab

Breyer CM SHAM

Breyer CM CAS

Breyer CM QH Yearling

Breyer CM Clydesdale Foal

Breyer CM Clydesdale Foal

Stone CM Clydesdale

Breyer CM Huck

Breyer CM Fighting Stallion

Breyer CM Justin Morgan

Breyer CM Adios

Stone CM ISH

Breyer CM Duchess

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